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Gallery » Wave » Video » Trailer Step into Liquid
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Trailer Step into Liquid
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[600 x 340]

Da: SurfReport
Venerdì 27 Agosto 2004
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DescrizioneTrailer Step into Liquid » Trailer del film Step into Liquid, forse il miglior film surfistico mai realizzato, alta qualità cinematografica (il trailer pesa tantino, richiede connessione DSL).

Maggiori info su:

Critiche internazionali.

Stone's Peter Travers:

into Liquid is the best surfing documentary ever made
August 15, 2003

New York Times’ Elvis Mitchell:

insanely gorgeous competition documentary on surfing obsession,
Step Into Liquid — directed by Dana Brown and
photographed by John-Paul Beeghly in hypnotic gradations of
aquamarine — will send you into a dream state.”
May 7, 2003

New York Daily News’ Elizabeth Weitzman:

“'Visually spectacular and filled with fascinating characters,
Step into Liquid is actually...spiritual. For any New
Yorker who dreams of escaping our city’s crowded concrete,
Dana Brown’s Step Into Liquid is the perfect fantasy.”
May 8, 2003

Wendy Mitchell:

“No doubt the buzz documentary of the festival [Tribeca
Film Festival May ‘03] was Dana Brown's surfing film,
Step Into Liquid. The film's graceful and stunning
high-def shots transported viewers to some of the most beautiful
beaches in the world….” May 14, 2003

Variety's Scott Foundas:

'a superb original…an awe-inspiring survey of global
surf culture, with the power to crush…decades of Hollywood
stereotyping of Surfer and surfing' February 18, 2003


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